Sunday, October 30, 2011

Impressed with.......

I was impressed with the fact that Loren helped with treats in spite of his injury. Lisa called him the "One armed Swede".

Impressed with music today and so happy that Requiem is being recorded.

Still impressed with colors...below the hospital heading south colorful.

Impressed with my husband who had a fire going cozy and warm.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Encore of Colors

It seemed like a good idea to take a few more photos before the winds change the placement of the leaves.This is a portion of our Japaneses Maple. I found one branch that has reached it's peak. 
                                            Splendor On The Glass

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad and Grandpa

                                                      John M.

                                                     Sami and Alex
                                              John H.
                                                  Zoey and Liz

We had dinner with  Liz and John and Zoey, the Sunday before Joe's birthday.

Liz made the best gnocchi, made even better by the sauce from her garden tomatoes.

Our son, John and his children, Sami and Alex stopped by after a soccer game.
Zoey loves her cousins and was in happy-land.

Photos not great but I'm posting a few.


MacKenzie Acres

In 1957 Joe and I purchased the land where we now preside. Joe was out of work at the time, common in the sheet metal trade, and spent many hours  driving around with a real estate agent.  As soon as I viewed  the property I knew we should go for it.  You really couldn't see much of the land as it was covered with evergreens. That was a plus for me. We were very young and probably foolish in many ways, but we made a smart buy. We had our home built on the property in 1963.

Today I'm feeling especially good. while  I heard a noise near the bird feeder. A chickadee was caught inside flapping its wings in desperation. I lifted the lid of the feeder and it was free.

I thought about how fortunate we were to have so much nature as part of our family.
I listened to the tree frogs, birds and looked around to see if the deer were back in the field.
In the back yard I stumbled on the uneven ground engineered by the moles (it can't all be good).

We have seen coyote, raccoon, pheasant, opossum (hanging from a tree), heard a bobcat in the woods and a variety of winged creatures including bats and flying squirrels. We hear owls and occasionally have a sighting.
Lots of mushrooms are visible now. If only I was an expert.
I took a few photos of the color on our property.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Hodgepodge of Photos

                                            Zoey ..cross country
Woodland Park

On the way to Leavenworth
Saturday,Joe and I drove to Leavenworth  to enjoy the annual parade of color.  We drove over Stevens pass then drove home I-90,  more color. The hills along Stevens Pass are blanketed with a myriad of color.

Sunday afternoon, more colors at C.Y.O. Cross Country at Woodland Park.  After the race,we drove to West Seattle to have dinner with Liz and John.   Liz's flower pots joined the parade.
Before dinner, Liz and I drove down to Lincoln Park and walked along the water. 

The colors are definitely here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Wench With The Winch

Yesterday I took a photo of Joe using a hand winch to move logs out of the woods. Logs are much easier to cut when you get them into a clear area.  He wanted me to try it.  It was actually fun as you could see the log moving towards the clearing. Today he was working on a larger log and wanted me to try again. This time I decided to have a photo of the experience so I could use my corny phrase..wench with a winch.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

One of my favorite Things

I just enjoyed a dish of low carb ice cream. This is rather ridiculous since I tasted  a bit of every treat I brought for the choir.
I enjoy doing treats. It is a combination of fun and sheer exhaustion. This is caused by the fact that I tend to do more than necessary.  If I had to do it every week I would tone it down, but once or twice a year, that's another story.
Joe and I eat a rather simple diet so when I have a chance to cook for others I take advantage of the opportunity.

The choir seemed very appreciative, but if truth be told, I am the one who appreciates the opportunity to do something for the talented  people who  produce heavenly sounds each Sunday.

My thanks to each chorister, director and organist.

Special thanks to Joe for being such a wonderful helper/husband.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Colors are beginning to change

We plan to drive up to Leavenworth to enjoy the colors. Until that time we have these.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Lesson Learned

The deer have returned and have changed their diet. Joe and I watched while they devoured a gourmet breakfast of dandelion, salsify and clover.
Until the flowers have new shoots in the Spring, they are safe.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Surprise of surprises.....ELVIS IS IN THE BUILDING!

UPS arrived yesterday with a mysterious package from our son,Mike.

Mike may have been influenced by his recent trip to Las Vegas.

Thanks for thinking of me, Mikey.