Friday, December 26, 2014

Tis the day after Christmas!

We had a great Christmas.  With most of the extras put away, I feel practically normal.
This afternoon we watched the video of Midnight Mass. There are times when I forget I am a member of St. James Choir. It is such a blessing.
Christmas morning we prepared for our 21 member family gathering.
All went well. No scrapes or bruises. Just the way I like it.
Here are some photos of our great family Hope I didn't miss anyone.
                                  Steve  and Liz   (better photo of  Steve later)
                                     Dylan and  Tricia
                                               Ian and James
                                             James and Summer
                                    Gerald   and Mike
                                              Joe  enjoying a cookie
                                           Zoe                        Better photo of Sergiu later
Tricia and  Nonna                          Joe the third sitting by the fireplace

More Christmas Photos

                                        Meagan   Alex      John
                                     Summer  Deb  Liz  and John H.
                                               Sergiu     Svetlana and Steve
                                             Ian and James
                                              Mike and Tricia

                                            Dylan and Ian

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lunch can be fun!

We hosted a fun lunch at our home for  friends who spend Christmas in California.
I tried a new recipe ( for me), Italian Wedding Soup. It is easy and quite delicious.
You know it is a success when guests want to take some home.
Michelle brought some fried rice. Also a success, as I grabbed the left overs.

Tuesday we were treated to lunch  by Dorene. I call her Joes "Church wife" as he usually sits next to her in church, and they always have a nice conversation.

In spite of the rush of Christmas we accepted.  Dorene invited another couple  and her friend, Marlene. All attend St. James. We seemed to have a lot in common

Dorene is quite the creative artist. Every room has a surprise.  In the bathroom there is the remains of
dishes and collectibles damaged in an earthquake. She turned them into a work of art.

Stained glass windows ( by Dorene) grace several windows. It is a mini-museum.
Dorene is a kind and wonderful hostess .

We hope to have her over one of these days. Our first attempt was not a success.
She was nearby, but lost, her cell phone was jammed inside the lining of her purse so she thought it was lost.
She drove down a dead end with several no trespassing signs. what could she do but drive home.

We are not giving up. One of these days she will find us.

Thanks again, Dorene for the lovely afternoon.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree

I wish there was a spare room where I could keep the tree so it would be ready for next year!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Birthday of Joe cont. The Tradition of Forgetfulness

Yesterday was 100% successful as for those who attended, about 95% successful for food preparation.
It is a tradition that I forget to serve at least one item of food. This time I forgot to put out the sliced apples, appetizers (this was intentional memory lapse)  and gluten-free bread.( sorry James & Liz)

The day went well.  Gerald (Joey) baked a loaf of delicious bread. He is getting to be a chef extraordinaire.    No one was supposed to bring anything but I love when they disobey!
The first people who arrived were treated to a sighting of a deer family. Lots of photos.

I tried something new. I concocted a gluten -free chowder, I placed bowl of baby clams, one  filled with corn and one with cut up bacon. Each person chose their own additions to the potato chowder.
My pot of beans was pretty much untouched. No one believes my story that since the beans are cooked with fennel seed they will not give you gas,
My stuffed red peppers were popular, also salads, roasted veggies, fruit and of course, the deserts.

Our morning continued with the family of deer resting in the back yard.  I just checked and they are now munching on weeds.

                                                   Gluten-free Pesto
                                                  Marinated veggies with  Greek yogurt
                                                  Bread baked by Gerald Mackenzie

                                                           Kale and mixed greens salad
                                          Sesame asparagus dish (gluten free soy sauce)

                                        Deb  tosses a fantastic salad

                                                  Pulled pork by Chinh 

                                      My delicious, nutritious beans that no one tried!

Tomato/basil/ cheese