Wednesday, April 13, 2011


A great place to take a walk, relax and enjoy the scenery.
Birds we were able to identify include:
Canada Geese
Great Blue Heron
Robin and juvenile...looked through 5 books until I found information on robin with white markings on back.
Of course, it is a juvenile.  All these years of looking at flocks of robins and I'm just catching on. How observant!
Belted Kingfisher
Bald Eagle...Juvenile
Yellow legs (Sandpiper family)
Solitary Sandpiper 
Marsh Wren
Common Loon

That's it for now.  Too bad I don't belong to Audubon. We saw a group waiting for a certain bird that they
study. Listening to them talk about birds is like listening to our choir director speak about composers etc.
Usually, way beyond my understanding. Still, I appreciate the information.

1 comment:

  1. I looked at your bird pictures at work last night, and they cheered me right up! Especially the kingfisher.
