Monday, June 13, 2011

Volunteer Park

 Volunteer Park in Seattle was named for the men who enlisted and volunteered to fight in the Spanish American war.
I've borrowed the name to honor the seeds that volunteer to plant themselves in our soil.

First a word about the bird house.  I did some research and read that honey bees will gather in abandoned bird and bat houses.
So, in spite of my being stung by several flying objects, we'll leave it alone, just in case they are honeybees. I watched them fly into the bird house several  times and would love to see what's going on in there.

While filling a wheel barrow with fir bark I noticed how many volunteers we have in our yard.
Foxglove is in bloom in many areas of the yard. Volunteers.
I transplanted several fir trees, a vine maple and a few unidentified plants. Also volunteers.

The  painting project crushed a special variety of sedum.  I noticed the damaged stems had  roots, so I planted each  in a different section of the yard.

So, what I first thought was destruction is actually giving plants a new location.
I can live with that.


  1. Volunteer Park! You are so clever, Martha! I have some volunteer fox gloves too, and I love them. In fact the volunteers (weeds) are the champion growers in my garden.

  2. I also have plenty of volunteer weeds. I am making some headway in the yard. Usually have it looking pretty good by September.

    As for the trail. I didn't get it cleared last year & I doubt I'll get to it this year.
    Clever? Me? Thanks.
