Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Let Me Count the Blessings

Joe has been working on the motor home for several days which means he is in our building for hours. He joins me for meals unless he is having trouble with the job. He is willing to explain the problem. However, I understand very little of his narrative. I hate to see him struggle, but when he conquers the problem he is so happy that it seems worth it.
We are hoping to go to Yellowstone this year .
I hear a voice calling my name.  "Marti, I got it."

Let's have a cup of tea and celebrate!
Yesterday I was blessed with a sighting of two deer in the back yard. I opened our noisy sliding door to get a photo. the deer didn't even blink. "It's just the old lady. She's harmless."

Fifty years ago I gave birth to our fourth son, John.
 Happy Birthday John!

1 comment:

  1. Those deer do look pretty relaxed, as though they know they are welcome and pretty on top of that. Congratulations on your baby boy who has gotten big.
