Saturday, August 18, 2012

What do you do with a compliment?

My friend John Burton just phoned to see if I  wanted to sing with the choir in the morning. I have been helping out at St. Stephen the Martyr Parish. I had already  told him I was unable to help out but John isn't one to give up easily.
John was giving me a hard time about a compliment I received.
A woman said that when she heard me sing she felt she had been anointed.   Really? It was sweet and I thanked her, but since then I can't stop laughing about it.
As those who know me are aware I have a rather strange sense of humor. After John and I traded  smart comments, I admitted that I was a rather holy person, but didn't like to make it public.

John said many things but this was the best.
"You have the piety but it's rancid."

Hope I haven't offended anyone. If I have, get over it!


  1. Martha, you are such a wag! But despite rancid piety, you always have true Christian spirit, loving, kind, and generous.
