Saturday, January 26, 2013

Save or Toss

The following thank you note is one of the reasons I save rather than toss.

Nov. 2004

Dear Nonna  and Grandpa,

Thank you for the $50 certificate to Target! I bought a cool Spy Gadget Pack
with a thing you can listen from far away, a voice scrambler, a motion alarm and binoculars
that work in the dark. All the spy toys work perfectly, surprisingly. I can use the voice scrambler
to make my voice sound weird, so I could do prank phone calls and they wouldn't know
who I was. Also, with the ear I can listen in on secret conversations. I can use the motion detector to prevent
anyone from going into my room. With the binoculars, I can sneak around in the dark and people
wouldn't expect me to be using binoculars, anyway.
I'm excited to see you at Thanksgiving. Congratulations on your 50th. Anniversary! I think that's

Love, Ian

P.S. I also liked your great singing Happy Birthday message on the machine. I think you have
beautiful singing voices together.
Love, Ian

Pretty good writing for a 9 year old. We love you too, Ian.


  1. That's so perfect. Ian has stayed the same wonderful kid all of these years. And yes, that was really good writing for a 9 year-old. And now he is 17 and has written his first novel!

  2. I had no idea the novel is finished. I am so impressed.
