Monday, May 27, 2013

Time for a break

My back is telling me that it is time to sit down at the computer and add some trivia to my blog.
This morning we had many birds at our feeder. I was in the middle of  fixing breakfast ,so asked Joe to take
a picture from the window. The ghost of the elderly had turned on the flash which ruined the first photo.While Joe was getting rid of the flash, a hummingbird flew towards the window, almost touching the glass, a perfect shot.  Joe went into Martha mode and didn't get the shot. We still had the pleasure of seeing it but I would love a photo.
On our walk we talked to a neighbor and I mentioned my theory that any close-up of a hummingbird must be photo-shopped. " Oh no said Dan, I have my office right next to the window by the butterfly bush and the
humming birds stay all the time. They love the sweet nectar." Blah blah blah. If he wasn't such a nice man I would've done something cruel...maybe cut down his butterfly bush.


  1. Hummingbird photos are indeed a rare thing. I have one, but I have to point out to people what it is. Then they stare at it for a bit, and then say, "Oooooh yes. I see it now."

  2. You would need a very active imagination to see one in ours.
    We'll get lucky one of theses days.
