Friday, February 14, 2014

A Moment to Remember..A lesson learned.

Last night after our Great Music practice I scurried off to the truck so I could get home in time for my favorite program "Elementary".
As I backed out of the parking place and turned the truck to head out of there, I found that I hadn't backed out far enough. So I put the car in gear let off the clutch and realized I was going forward. I tried again and decided I was way too close to Emmys car to try again. So, I stopped and asked her if she could drive around.  She has a bug so it looked as if she had room. "Don't hit my car", she said. I told her I wouldn't hit her car , that is why I was stopped. I explained that I was having trouble getting the clutch into reverse. So as Emmy valiantly attempted to drive out of her spot, people started appearing at my window asking if I needed help, " Are you stuck? " Is there something wrong" People are wondering?"  By this time I was irritated with the situation and showed another side of my otherwise perfect demeanor!  " I know what I'm doing!"   My answer to the" people are wondering" comment was, " Let them wonder"!   How rude. Shame on me. They were only trying to help.

Not than any of them look at my blog, still I feel compelled to apologize to Emmy, Chuck, Michelle and all the drivers whose way I had blocked.
Sorry people.
The ending is happy. Emmy drove  around, no damage was done to her car, only to my ego.


  1. Poor Martha! That is a sad story, and exactly the sort of thing that would happen to me, and no doubt, my reaction would have been the same. One is not able to cope with much after coping with such an intense rehearsal. See you Sunday. J

  2. I'm sure your rehearsal was much more intense than ours.
    The Apostles will probably be good but it is not quite there. I practiced today but it just isn't the same as doing with everyone. Schola sounds great.
