Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lady Gaga.....a relative?

I'm always trying to get rid of stuff so my kids won't have to spend the rest of their lives sorting through my treasures. I was going through photos that I found in my Grandmother's (Nonna Torlai)  trunk. I found a photo of a young man that closely resembles Lady Gaga at the Music Awards Show.  She was made up to look like a man.
It was not identified but it was in family photos and looks like it was taken in Italy.

I'll post it when I can figure out how to do it. (which may be never)

Joe posted it for me.

1 comment:

  1. A handsome fellow! Can you believe that I don't really know what Lady Gaga looks like? I was in a patient's room and saw a brief flash someone cute writhing around on the television, and my patient told me it was Lady Gaga. Hmmmm. I am not very culturally aware these days.
