Saturday, March 1, 2014

More on GMGC

First half of Great Music was quite spectacular. All went well in second half until we lost our dim light while being a heavenly choir. I lost my place but tried to sing by memory.
I noticed Marina describing this person who kept looking at her book in a state of stupor.
She was talking about me trying to figure out where we was frustrating. I'm sure we will do better tonight but just in case I practiced again and maybe will bring a small flashlight.
Or a Coleman lantern!

The best thing about last night was a surprise by Kelley, Sami & Alex.  It is always great to have family in the audience.


  1. That's pretty funny! The first night (dress rehearsal with audience), I arrived to may place late for the Valls, and was frantically trying to find out what page we were on the same way But as there was a page turn about every two seconds, it was difficult.

  2. Received many good comments from friends and relatives.
