Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Random thoughts about Life (The lighter side)

                                    He is not dead.....He is risen!

                                Over the years I have heard this phrase promising
                                     a new beginning,  new life.....not death
                                  I believe this,  yet I'd prefer to stay a little longer
                                I agree with the old saying, "Everyone wants to go
                                  to  heaven, but  no one wants to die to get there."
                                       I'll soon be eighty and have lived a good life
                                              but I'm not ready to leave                     
                                      I'd rather stay a little longer, maybe reach 100

                                 When someone dies at 98 or 99 you  almost always  hear
                                  a wish, that he or she had lived to be 100.

                                  I wonder if the family of Methuselah who lived to 969
                                           wished he could've made it to 1000?
                                              So precious is the Gift of Faith.




  1. Probably not. I'm sure they had had enough of him. No one, on the other hand, could ever have enough of dear, dear Martha!

  2. Very funny. Happy Happiness Day!
