Sunday, June 1, 2014

Great Choir Day

The challenge of the Schmitt, "God has gone up with a shout" was worth all the extra work.
It was dynamic to say the least. I wish it had been recorded. It was exciting to sing, and hear the voices around me, creating such a fantastic sound.

Practice was interesting. The chorister sitting near me was a good reason why we need to be vested.
Her cleavage was quite impressive (to her husband) but please.
Another chorister has a skirt she wears without undies. The skirt settles in the separation in her derriere. I'm sure her boyfriend finds it sexy. I find it distracting. Please get a full length mirror and do a turn around.    To top it off, today she was picking her nose. Kleenex please!

 On the plus side, she is a very nice person with a lovely voice.
I'm tempted to say something but it isn't up to me.  I just hope the dress wears out!


  1. Wow! From all I hear, choir is never boring.

  2. Gasp!!! I hope you weren't talking about me! I wore a skirt, but I definitely had on undies.

  3. I guess I should have kept this to myself. I trust you will all do the same when you figure out the person ( who shall not be named).
