Monday, February 9, 2015


I was given an amaryllis plant from Nancy, mother of our son-in-law. I appreciated her generosity but since I kill most houseplants, I was not that excited.
Amaryllis is an interesting plant, You can practically watch it grow.

 It finally bloomed after its lengthy stem almost reached the top of our garden window.


  1. It is gorgeous! House plants don't have a very high survival rate in my house either.

  2. This is Nora (flyawaybirdiethat'sme)

  3. I have a couple of ugly houseplants that are over 30 years old and others over ten. They are gifts from friends and must be nurtured like foster children. If they had been attractive, they would have died immediately. My family called amaryllises "naked ladies."

  4. GORGEOUS! Amaryllis is as exciting for its death defiance as it is satisfyingly fast-growing. Not to mention the beautiful bloom. Thanks for sharing the burst of glory!
