Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lovely Day

Decided to get a photo before all snow melts.

Enjoyed singing this morning even though I wasn't excited about singing all chants. As it turned out it was a good experience.
Although I love the view from the west, my body said thanks for putting me in the east.
Stacey did a good job making sure we knew what we were doing.
Dr. Savage said we sounded like 18 year old women.. At my age I'll take anything that makes me younger in any part of my body.

Had a fun chat with Susan and Joanne about Susan being a Grandmother for the first time. Very exciting.

On the way home I drove with the beautiful snow flakes surrounding the truck. I felt safe with snow tires and the extra logs Joe put in back of the truck.
I stopped at Subway for a roasted chicken on flatbread, Joes loves this creation. I love not having to cook.

So we sat by the fire and enjoyed the lovely view.
What could be better?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures. I have read about hellebores in novels, but I realize now that I never really knew what they were.

    I'm not quite ready for more snow!
