Saturday, April 21, 2012


The Rosa family home was up the hill from where I  lived as a child.  My Grandparents raised their children in this home after moving from Black Diamond.

When I was a child Nonna lived with Uncle Eli in his home. Nonno lived across the yard in his own place which everyone called Nonno's shack.
Pete and Katie lived on the same property as the family home in a very cute smaller house, then moved to the family home when she became pregnant with Ric.  Aunt Katie later moved to a home in Renton near the High School.  Uncle Ernie and Bernice moved into the family home with Signe and Valerie. They had lived across the street from us in a home my Dad built for his mom and sister. They wouldn't move from Georgetown. All Nonna's friends lived there and it was close to the bus line so Aunt Mary could ride to work.
The property in back of the Rosa  family home was sold and Pete and Katie's adorable home was moved up the hill to property in back of Uncle Eli 's home. The family rented out the home for $20 per month.
This is when Joe and I enter the scene.
We rented the home for $25 per month.  The move caused the home to lose most of it's former charm as the foundation was not solid. This caused it to move when the wind blew.
When appliances were installed,  small openings were left that allowed unwelcome visitors to enter. We had a trap set under the house. Joe saw a rat with the trap stuck on its  nose.    One night we heard a heavy breathing sound near our bed. I jumped on the bed while Joe removed the visitor.
We lived there until Puget Power bought the property where my Mom & Dad .They bought a home on Springbrook road.  We were allowed to stay in the old home owned now by Puget Power until they were ready. The freeway was built and that was the end of all the homes. Some were moved to Talbot Hill.

There is more to the story but I'm getting tired writing it so you must be tired reading it.


  1. I had forgotten that the original house was moved and that's why it shook in the wind.

  2. I have had similar visitors many times. Once, one sat on a shelf staring at Becca and me while we stood a yard away from it, discussing what to do about it. We did nothing, except tell it to go back to the basement. Eventually, it obeyed. Tobias keeps those fellows in check these days. Now I have squirrels. I don't know what to do about them. They are as bold as the rats. Maybe even more so.
