Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Morning Surprise

This is a first for MacKenzie Acres.   We had a doe and three fawns in the back yard.
No photos but hoping they will return.
We have had many deer sightings but never triplets.   Usually the doe will have two in tow.
It was very exciting.

The beauty of the deer family made up for the fact that I had to go out in the yard and pick up  dead mole.  I gave it a decent burial (a toss in the woods).


  1. I had to give a poor dead mousie a decent burial the other day. He looked so sweet in repose. Actually I think he was a darling little rat baby. Or toddler, more likely.

  2. PS. Those wretched squirrels have been digging up my flowers just for the fun of it. They dig them up and toss them aside. They are monsters.

  3. You are so kind to some rodents. You must learn to love all rodents even if they dig up flowers!
