Monday, April 11, 2016


If you don't get a laugh our of this story than I am humiliating myself for no good reason.

I decided to try to plant a few tomato plants on the deck. I had to empty out some pots in the front yard, replant those and get the pots to the deck. I put three pots in the wheelbarrow and tried to push it up the hill. It was too heavy and rolled back down into the woods.
My second plan was to empty half of the soil from the  pots, carry to the deck and push the half empty wheelbarrow up the hill. This actually worked but I was exhausted and decided to wait on my project.
I kept looking at the half empty pots and decided it would be a breeze if I just went for it.
I found a half empty bag of very wet soil and decided to use it. It was full of worms which is a good thing. Then I went into the house to bring out the bag of organic soil I had just purchased, to finish the job. This was easy, I felt so good. Suddenly I noticed that the organic soil  looked like brown rice.
You guessed it. I  added  part of a sack of organic brown rice into the pot.