Monday, August 20, 2018

The Discovery Moment

      This is the hornets nest we discovered.  We enjoyed the artistry but had to play it safe,
This is the canopy the family put in the yard. They fit 3 large tables, two fit under the canopy the other was an outsider.
A few of the photos I took at the Family Picnic. These are figs Liz brought covered with balsamic vinegar and Italian cheese.

It was so hot Liz and family put up a canopy. They also had a spritzer you could run through to cool off. I should have taken photos when it was completed, and people were visible, but my brain was fried.
The deck had a fan and I stayed there with Dan, Betty, Cindy, Arlene, Catherine, and my friends Mary and Mara. They put two tables under the canopy for Liz & Family, James & family, our sons Joe & Mike. In spite of the heat we enjoyed ourselves and shared some memories of Joe.

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