Thursday, July 14, 2011

Interesting Intercession

Last night Joe and I watched Primetime Nightline. The reporter, Bill Weir, traveled to places all over the world where people claimed to have seen the Blessed Mother.

It reminded me of a story my Grandmother Marianina told about a faith healer.

Brother Isaias, a faith healer, traveled from town to town preaching the Gospel. When he was near Nonna's town (Georgetown, I think)  everyone traveled to a meeting place in hopes of being cured of their ills. Nonna suffered from rheumatism and Aunt Mary, ten years old at that time, had a large lump on her neck caused by surgery she received as an infant.( Nonna claimed that whenever Mary saw the Dr. walk past their home in Black Diamond she would cry...because he was the man who caused her so much pain.)
According to Nonna, as  the faith healer prayed and put his hand over the lump, it disappeared.
The crowd began singing the praises of Brother Isaias.  "Miracle worker", " Faith Healer" etc.

Not willing to give him the credit, Nonna began to shout.  " The Blessed Mother cured Mary, not Brother Isaias. " All the Italians in the crowd began to shout, "Brava....Brava.."

Poor Brother Isaias...  no good miracle goes unpunished!


  1. That Nonna! She sounds like a real character, and one not to let anyone get away with anything. I bet she was right and it really was the Blessed Mother.

    I just had a St. Anthony miracle today.
