Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Writing 151 10/3/1989

Dear Cafeteria Person

Being noticed seems to be the reason you exist.
Elongated florescent fingernails
Magenta extensions combed through blonde, black rooted hair
Difficult to ignore
You've learned to live with claw like fingernails
Scratched an itch without drawing blood
touched the corner of your eyelid with a knuckle
Smart move....bleeding eyes are so unpleasant

It may be time for you to take inventory of the
contents of your black book bag
Books on typing and guitar?
Cut your nails
Or, get a refund.

P.S. Why is there a gigantic space between these two entries.   I need to get a Blog For Dummies book.



  1. Really? I wasn't sure about this one. I found it in an old notebook.
    Ending needs work.
