Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bird's Eye View

I guess I should really say...view of the birds eye. Thanks to the closeup on my camera, I feel  I'm invading the privacy of the birdie world. They are such fun to watch and for some reason seem to be more
plentiful in variety and number.

We have our regulars....Chickadee..Nuthatch..Wren...Robin...Crow...Steller's Jay.
This week we have seen Goldfinch...Rufous-sided Towhee..Song Sparrow...White Crowned Sparrow..
Dark-Eyed Junco..Pine Siskin...House Finch..Varied Thrush...Pileated Woodpecker and Northern Flicker.

Hope to see some Evening Grosbeak soon.


  1. Wow! What a treasure you have! I have only seen a pileated woodpecker a couple of times. I was thrilled both times.

  2. They are amazing.
    There must be another variety. I saw one at a campground in North Cascades that was at least a foot long. It was huge, and of course my camera was in the car! Grrr.
