Sunday, December 9, 2012

Are They?

Are parishioners at St. James Cathedral a little spoiled?  When it comes to music, I think some have no realization of the great music program  present at St. James.
e.g. This morning we had to begin the Magnificat a few minutes before the beginning of mass. This was necessary to fit the music into the time frame of the service.
The people were talking, as is customary before the beginning of the service, but they continued to talk while a gifted violinist played.
I admit that  I am easily distracted,  but this gifted  teenager had my attention and admiration the minute she began to play.

Julianna is a lovely talented young woman. We are very fortunate to have her with us.


  1. The music was indeed beautiful, and I too was surprised that many parishioners kept talking. Even if they were not moved by the music, they needn't have spoiled the experience for others. It was like opening a candy bar at the opera! So rude.

  2. So happy you agree. I thought maybe I was being too critical.
