Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Disatrous dessert!

Our friends, Michele, Chinh & Kenny were over last night for dinner. They are always a pleasure to have around.
Kenny, a teenager, is always polite. He  made me happy when he  enjoyed the pasta three times.
I roasted vegetables and made a layered salad and garlic bread. All well received.
The only failure was the pumpkin pie. Luckily they were full.
After they left, Joe and I tried the pie. Joe was extremely verbal and said he would never have pumpkin pie again. Never, never, never!
The pie was so bad that the crust tried to escape and fell away from the filling. I don't know what I did wrong. I do remember using part buttermilk for the evap. milk. That may have done it..

Always prepared for failure I served a platter of cookies which were delicious!

As the saying goes, "Can't win 'em all."


  1. I think I am the queen of cooking disasters. It's OK just as long as they aren't for choir treats. Ooops! I just served a disaster at treats. Those leather pita breads. Ick.

  2. It is nice to have a common thread!
