Saturday, February 8, 2014

Soccer Memories

This morning Joe and I watched a movie called "Soccer Dog".  It reminded me of my father who loved soccer. He played what they called semi-pro. I know he wasn't paid but they were sponsored by local businesses. He lived in Georgetown. I remember one team was called Georgetown Merchants.  I found an old soccer shirt with Rosaia  Brothers Florists so he must have played for them as well. The Georgetown Merchant Team won the Seattle Soccer Championship for the  1928-29 season. In those days this was a big deal.
 This was before I was born but he played for many years after that as I remember being with him at a game or practice. I recall climbing up and down the seats.
Not exactly the Olympics or Super Bowl but still a good memory.

John Torlai (my Dad) is in the front row of players, 4th. from the left.


  1. Your Dad was a handsome fellow! This trait distinctly shows up in his descendants. My family does not have a single athlete, or anything even approaching that status. Clumsy oafs, one and all.

  2. Yet, you walk, hike, and ride your bike. You are very athletic.
