Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh Dear, deer

In the last few days we have seen many deer,  the sweetest fawn, several yearlings and at least one doe. I worked outside with my camera in my pocket for several hours and because of my apparent lack of skill got only one O.K. photo. You'll have to take my word for the rest.  The fawn was the youngest I've ever seen. The little twerp ran into the woods as soon as I lifted my camera.

It is interesting to see what they like to devour. The deer have never touched any of my hydrangea until this visit. It was a transplant...every leaf is gone. I just noticed it is in the photo in front of the back end of her highness.

Joe took this photo of the bucks this evening after I posted this. We've never had so many deer  on our property in one day.
  I never tire of sighting deer.


  1. Such lovely creatures, but so naughty! They made my brother cry every year when they ate his pumpkins. Maybe that is why he is a deer hunter now. Not a very good excuse in my opinion.

  2. Yes that is a rather drastic decision. Your life for my pumpkin.
