Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Day to Remember

This is my third attempt at writing about our family gathering on New Years Day. For some reason when I reached a certain point my finger hit enter and all the information was destroyed.
Is someone trying to give me a message?

It was great to see all the family. Meagan was missing due to the flu ,but she was well represented by the  video of her sawing a huge log with the Forest Service. The amazing Meagan.
James mentioned that Ian and Dylan made a video (without his knowledge) about his Christmas gift. He said it was hilarious so I asked him to share it with the family. He did and he was correct. It was a little raunchy but very funny. Liz wrote a poem (during dinner) about growing up with five brothers. Liz is a talented writer and also very funny. Tricia told a story about one of her lab partners who was the life of the party, then the next day was told that none of his work would be used because he was so out of control. Funny but sad!
Joe (son) and John H. both told funny jokes. Zoey did a good job singing. At her age I was still shy about singing in front of family. Good for Zoey.
After all the silliness was completed, I was asked to sing. It seemed rather inappropriate but I sang "Mary did You Know"  A rusty voiced version, but  family was appreciative.  Actually, they just wanted dessert.
That's about it. We had a few visitors, always nice. No photos..too busy. I didn't even think about it until people were half way out the door. I did take a photo of my Christmas cards which I will post later.


  1. That sounds like a super fun party. I bet the jokes and singing were fabulous! You have such a clever, witty family!

  2. Thanks so much.
    John suggested everyone bring a video next year.
    We'll see what happens.
