Saturday, July 27, 2013

Astoria....on the Trolley

We decided to ride the trolley..a first for us. There is a great walk along the water and trolley stops along the way.
We were looking for birds  but didn't really see anything new.
We did find out facts about Astoria.  It was compared to San Francisco's Barbary Coast, for kidnapping  young men to work on ships.  The evil doers would slip them a mickey when they were in the tavern. There was a trap door  where they would  be tossed and then put on the ship to work for a year.
According to the information we were given, the record for kidnapping was worse then the Barbary coast.

                                         My favorite sign in Astoria

On the lighter side they talked about Hollywood . One of the homes was used for Kindergarten Cop with Arnold S.   They talked about other films but I lost interest since I had seen none of them.


  1. Astoria looks like a cute place, especially the trolly!

  2. We should take the one on Seattle waterfront.
