Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Good News, Fall Colors and Biscotti

I just heard from our niece, Jeannine. The dinner/auction in memory of her brother Tony raised almost 28,000 for Brain Cancer Research. all proceeds go to Fred Hutch & Swedish.

The photos are just some of the colors in our yard. Liz gave me the hydrangea for that reason and it is
a pleasure to behold.

Music was beautiful Sunday at St. James. I am so happy to be part of the choir.

I tried making gluten free, low carb biscotti.     Had a few crumble but most stayed together.


  1. Wow! Good news about the benefit! That was quite an accomplishment. Good news about the biscotti as well. Good news for your gluten free friends and family too. And the fall colors are wonderful. As was the amazing music on Sunday.

  2. I agree. so proud of my brothers family & helpers.
