Friday, October 25, 2013


I just heard a story about two men who were caught trying to sell  cheap wine for  extraordinary wine.
This is difficult to fathom. They waxed the bottles and passed them off as wine that cost $11,000 a bottle.
First of all, who would pay that much for a bottle of wine?
 (Let's see..Michael Jordan for one...I just saw the home he has for sale.)
  This fake wine earned them over a million dollars.
However, they are now in jail without wine or money.  So sad. I can hardly hold back the tears.

My experience with wine was a bit more simple. My Grandparents had a field near their home that was lined with grapes. I remember as a child wanting to taste one but the  grapes were off limits.   Nonna and Nonno were very generous with everything but the grapes.
 Nonno had a room lined with barrels of wine.  He aged  some and drank some early.

My Dad  bought grapes from a farmer.   I remember stomping the grapes. He had a wine cellar in our basement. It was also off limits. I think it was  my Dad's thinking room. He used to write in the quiet of the cellar.

My Dad was a believer, as many Italians are, that wine is part of a meal.  I didn't want to hurt his feelings so whenever he left the room I would pour the wine back in the bottle.

Not to make this a sad story, but I saw many people swaying and stumbling from too much wine. For this reason,  it never appealed to me.
When I hear stories about how healthy it is to drink wine I wonder if I missed out on the wine vitamin.
But then, I am not exactly young, and I've lived this long without it.


  1. Stomping grapes sounds like lots of fun. Rebecca and I made dandelion wine once and it was DEE - licious. But we only got to drink a bottle or two, because the others exploded. Big mess!

  2. I had a neighbor who made wine and wanted to save the last bottle for himself. He hid it behind the wall and had the same experience...explosion!
    He was caught wine-handed.

  3. Haha! I have had piggy hiding of food karma before too, but I can't think on one right now. Oh! Yes I can. You can read about it here :

    1. I went all the way back to 2009 to read about the doughnut caper.
      You were such a rascal. Very funny!
