Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cookies for Choristers

One of my first experiences on stage was a one-liner that I thought was stupid. I was only in Kindergarten but I remember being urged by the Sister who wrote the play "Taffy Ann". Gloria had the part of Taffy Ann.

I was supposed to run across the stage after having fallen down and say, " A cookie is good for a crack in the head ho ho."  Of course I was holding a cookie.  How dumb is that. I resisted.
Then my sister Barbara showed me how to do it. Finally I gave in, but I always thought it was a stupid line!

I don't know what this has to do with cookies I put in the freezer for St. James Chorister, but every good singer deserves a reward!
Taking a photo in the freezer not the best method!


  1. What a great story! I'm sure you nailed the line.

    1. Thanks. I need encouragement.
      I've always said I was born mature. Of course this is ridiculous and untrue, however I did have a crush on a boy in the 8th. grade when I was in first grade. Thank God I was shy!

  2. I recall that when I was about five, for the Cthristmas show, the nuns made me hold this big stuffed dog and say a dumb poem about warning the dog not to scare Santa Claus. Of course, my mother that the whole thing was wonderful, but I did not. What they put us through!
    I thought the cookies were for Sunday, and was excited.

  3. Joanna. I knew you would be able to relate to the nunnery foolery!
    Actually, It was a case of low budget gems produced by devoted teachers.
