Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Into The Woods

                                         I noticed this flower on my way to work.





What a day!  Joe started work bringing in the logs early...I went to help about 9:40a.m.
Within  a few minutes, I was fired, rehired, and allowed to hook up a cable. ( Does this make me a hooker?)
My main job is to push the button on the winch to either bring in or let out the cable. Joe was in the woods
and I would listen for his signal. This is not easy since car motor is running, winch is noisy, and plane was flying over.
Of course I was in trouble for not stopping the cable soon enough....that's when I was told to go back in the house!  This didn't last long, I decided to stand farther away from the winch so I could better hear the master's  commands. As soon as I could see him he would give hand signals. This worked well.

I then became confident enough to go into the woods and hook up the cable.

We were able to do all we planned by lunch time.  Joe did most of the work but I like to think I was an important part of the process.


  1. A hooker AND a wench (and you wonder why he asked you to head for the house). Let us know when we can come help split logs!

    1. We have Confirmation (Sami & Alex) Friday and Saturday we're singing for June & Rogers' 50th. anniversary mass at St. James. June is still in a wheel chair after her stroke but nothing will deter her from a celebration.
      good for her!

      I'll ask Dad. He would love your help.

  2. Sounds like a morning of stress and strain! But productive for sure! I'm tired out just thinking about it.
