Saturday, April 27, 2013

What a Blessing



Sami and Alex were confirmed last evening at Our Lady of Guadalupe church.
Archbishop Sartain seemed comfortable in the casual setting.

The choir was filled with spirit.  I will refrain from any criticism as most of those in attendance thought they were great.
I am such a spoiled chorister!  The music was all new to me so I softly sang as I sight read the music.

The highlight for me was seeing Sami and Alex receive the sacrament.

John was able to be there though he was in some pain. He was proud of his family. Kelley was a sponsor for another student. She had been to every class and was serious about her role.  It was so good to see her and all the family.

Archbishop gave an inspirational would be nice if he inspired some of those confirmed to a higher calling.

On a lighter and less important note.....the cake was delicious!


  1. We had to wear hideous white dresses and to look like giant first Communicants. I had no say in the dress, which my mother selected, and I hated it. I realize now that it was nice, but at the time I thought it was horrible. The only consolation was that everyone else's was horrible too. I guess the bishop no longer asks a Catholic Quiz Question. This also tainted the day, as the spectre of not knowing the answer loomed horribly. Once the question was asked and properly answered, the day picked up.

    1. Too funny. They did have about 7 or 8 classes so I'm sure they were asked many questions...but Archbishop asked none.
      They each said " I am ........ and I wish to be confirmed."

  2. I'm sorry to have missed it.
