Saturday, April 13, 2013

No more making whoopie on the deck

Joe and I are very spoiled as far as living in a lovely wooded area. We have always enjoyed our privacy but
this is coming to an end.
We allowed our neighbors to have several trees cut down last week. Later, as we were standing on the north side of our property we noticed how clearly you could see our deck....we'll have to be on our best behavior. No more changing clothes with blinds open, or pole dancing!

There will be 21 homes built in back of our property (west). Building will start in about a year. They have a sign right next to our driveway with a map etc. It is very confusing. We are getting inquiries from neighbors concerned that we are selling our property. We spent 2 hours at Renton city Hall waiting to speak to planning  person about moving the sign closer to the development site. The woman Joe spoke to said the sign should be 350 feet away. Well, our driveway is longer than that! We then wasted time talking to the developers. They claim City of Renton made them put the sign up at that location. The man Joe spoke to was very buddy buddy, every concern was answered to appease us. Would you like to sell? is always a part of the conversation.

We have been very fortunate to be able to live here and hope it will continue." Lord willin' and if the creek don't rise."


  1. What a bummer! But pole dancing probably isn't safe at your ages, so maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

  2. You have special cushions surrounding the pole so no chance of injury.

  3. Or maybe the creek WILL rise & flood out all those too-close-to-each-other houses! In the meantime, I say pole dance to your heart's content. The worthwhile sort will come join the fun!!! Or, just come live by us where it's still all countryish (admittedly including a nearby gun range. But still.) I'll give them a show when we come up to split wood (the boys may need counseling for decades).

    Returning to illicit activities on our back porch,
