Monday, March 3, 2014


Although Great  Music is over, I am still feeling the joy of the performance. As I have said before, I feel very blessed to be a part of the great choir of St. James.
This year, thirteen (4 friends, the rest family) experienced this wonderful concert.
My cousin, Signe, thanked me for sending out the e-mail regarding the performance. I was not expecting her to be there. It was a great surprise to see Signe, Mike and his sister. They thought it was fabulous!
Liz, John & Zoey also attended. Liz said it as wonderful.
 Zoey had to go to her ski instructor job in the morning with her Dad, so needed to leave early.
Another surprise.  Friday night  Kelley, Sami and Alex (our Grandchildren and their fabulous mom) attended the performance. They also thought it was great.
 Thursday night it was Joe, and four of my friends from St. Stephen the Martyr parish in Renton. Lots of good comments.
I know they don't read my blog but I feel compelled to say this.

Thank you all for making a special effort to attend. It means a lot to me.


  1. Sigh! None of my family or friends attended. Bummer! You have such a rich family life!

  2. Some years I have one or two. This was unusual.
    They probably think I'm ready to go to the great beyond!
