Tuesday, February 22, 2011

11/3/1989 Sounds of Silence

The  thing about noise is that you don't notice it until you are trying to be quiet.
With Joe and Mike both working swing shift, Liz attending classes at U.of W.and  me  at H.C.C., getting ready every morning is a challenge. Taking turns in the bathroom, running water, flushing, opening and closing drawers and doors, even brushing our teeth. Noisy. Whispering is magnified, footsteps thunder down the hallway over Mike's bedroom. If Britt, our dog, wants to go out, the door squeaks open and shut. The more we try  the chances are greater that we will  bump into a wall.

When Liz was three years old she had a concussion. The Dr. told me it was very important that she not bump in to anything.  I followed her around but it just didn't work. I had to leave her alone. She did much better without me.


  1. When Becca was a wee babe, I took her to a lecture, thinking that we could sit in the back and she could quietly nurse. Yeah, right! Slurp, slurp, slop, squeak, gurgle. Most embarrassing.
