Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Fun Day.

This morning I decided to write a note to my sister Judy (Julie) then changed my mind and gave her a call.
Julie is extremely busy and I rarely catch her at home.  We caught up on family news, random news and discussed the fact that she learned to use the computer. I was so excited. As soon as I got off the phone I sent her three e-mails.
While  talking to Judy I glanced  into the woods and saw was a coyote running back and forth. I think the snow on the ground gave contrast to the color of the coyote making it easier to spot. What fun.  One of the joys of living near the woods is rare sightings of animals.
Our son Joe also called which is always fun. Judy had mentioned that her daughter Ingrid who is a cosmetologist, was going back to school to get a nursing degree  so that she would be able to administer botox, fillers etc.
When I mentioned it to our son Joe, he said to tell her to specialize," botox for the buttocks".

Gloria  called from New Mexico and talked about the family. Sounds like she's having a good time.

I've been going through recordings (tapes) trying to decide which I can toss.  It is difficult, as there is always a memory worth  keeping.  It could be the quality of the performance ( bad enough to be entertaining), a family moment, or a quality performance.

More later.

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