Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hooters at MacKenzie Acres

As most of my family and friends know, I get very excited when nature comes a calling. Joe and I have been hearing an owl in the woods for several days. This is not rare, but seeing one is something else. In all the years we have lived on this property, I think we have seen one owl. It flew onto a tree near the kitchen window. Since then, we only hear their sound.   (This is heading somewhere.)
Today, I decided to walk outside and take a photo of the beautiful sunset. As I went out the sliding door in the basement, a large bird flew off of our wood pile and onto a nearby tree. It was an owl.
It was so exciting. Unfortunately, it was too dark to get a photo. It is a blur of branches. I'm sure the owl is in there somewhere, but we won't see it. The sunset was also gone.
But I was very happy to see it up close. Now when I hear its haunting sounds I will be able to visualize the creature. So exciting!


  1. I used to spend a lot to time birdwatching. We got up a three to go out to owl territory, and heard them often - our leader even having conversations with them on occasion, but they were very sly. I don't think we ever saw one. One swooped down and bit Rebecca's head in Volunteer Park. That was more than she wanted to see.

  2. It was exciting. Sorry Joe didn't see it. The first time it flew in the yard it was light out.
    We have also seen them at Nisqually Delta (you should visit there) and the bird reserve in Burns, Oregon.

  3. Poor Becca. I just noticed that part of your comment.
