Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Three hours of unbelievable talent and energy.  The experience was like a great journey to another country. So much to absorb in such a short time, not fully appreciated until you're in the quiet of your home thinking about what you've witnessed.  
Liz, Joe and I attended the performance Sunday after mass. What a thrill to watch the artists work so hard to put on this show.
One of the interesting facts is that many of the persons were not your typical thin as a rail performers.
The story is true, the Billy Elliot character is fiction.  The story of the strike in Northern England would have been difficult to watch without Billy.
No need to tell the story as there is a book and a movie.

The encore number was fantastic with all the coal miners, children who played less than talented dancers, and other characters doing a tap number,  getting a chance to show their true talents.

The language was rough.
How much fun for the youngsters to get paid for saying all the forbidden words.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds wonderful. I 'm glad you had such a good time. I love love theater and opera. It can indeed be a whole other world for an hour or two.
