Friday, April 1, 2011

Save or Toss?

Every so often I decide that I'm leaving too much stuff for our family to sort through when I take my leave.
I found a container full of notes received from people, after I sang for a family wedding or funeral. Some are pretty routine and some are very thoughtful and kind. How do you throw away something that gives you a feeling of worth.
I have separated them according to year....that about it.

Some of my memories are vivid and need no paper. My very first wedding was at St. Anthony Church in Renton. The family were friends of my Dad from The Pike Place Market. When I finished singing I was heading towards the door to make a quick exit when I heard this booming voice yell across the church, "Hey, Tony,
you got five bucks for the kid? "  I wanted to crawl in a hole, but I took the money and never forgot the moment.

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Those are nice little thread flowers. You had better keep them.
