Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Services...A Joyful Challenge!

Each year I enjoy participating in  the Holy Week services.  I feel very fortunate to be part of such a great choir.
However,I guess I'm just not holy enough to enjoy the length of some of the services.

The reading of the Passion is always difficult for me because the readers are bland.
I feel evil saying this but I am being truthful.

 I love singing the music of Holy Thursday and Good Friday and was
  inspired by the high notes of Rebekah Gilmore and "Were You There"sung by K. Weld.

The Easter Vigil is one of my favorite services but the length lessens the joy.

The two masses on Sunday were a breeze. The music was creative and challenging to sing. I loved it.

Since few people read my blog I feel free to speak my mind. Hope I haven't offended anyone.


  1. You haven't offended me. I am evil also.

    You are way holier than I am, but I still love every minute. Even the five-thirty mass and Easter Vespers after doing the two earlier masses that day.

  2. As long as I'm doing something I enjoy it but the sitting around gets to me.
    No, you're holier or crazier...take your pick.
